New D&D 2024 Campaign, Shadows & Horns, with House GM Seth on Fridays, February 7th and 21st, from 6pm to 11pm, 6 Seats Maximum
About this experience
New D&D 2024 Campaign:
Shadows of the Five Horns-
The lands of Ulroth. A world of magical curiosities far and wide. A land of bountiful wealth if you care to take it, and a realm of peace if you strive for it, but when one of the five horns holding untold power from ancient demon kings, unleashes a shadowy creature upon the lands. A mad dash for the other four horns begins.
Your Host

House GM Seth's Backstory:
I've been playing TTRPGs since 2014, but quickly became a GM in 2016, and have been a forever GM since. Most of my experience has been 5th edition D&D, but I've run other systems such as Vampire the Masquerade, Call of Cthulhu, Star Wars, and a scattering of others. I've only run homebrewed worlds and settings, but I'm not opposed to modules.
I'm a very go with the flow, and rule of cool GM. I'm relaxed on rules, and if you make it make sense I'll allow almost anything. I use a good amount of improvising as well as pre planned events. My favorite things within TTRPGs is solid role-playing, and watching my players come up with creative sources to solve puzzles and problems. My absolute favorite thing about all TTRPGs though is to watch my players become immersed in my world
Thank you for reading a bit about myself.
I hope to see you in the dungeons!