D&D 5e Frozen North, with House GM Katrina, on Fridays of December 15th, from 7:30pm to 12:30am, 7 Seats Maximum
About this experience
The Frozen North
Katabatic winds sweep down from the Reghed Glacier, ceaselessly battering anything that dares to grow or breathe in Icewind Dale. Without fail, these winds find their way through every chink and crack, every opening in the warmest furs, every tent flap, every roof and board of the strongest homes, draining away any hint of warmth.
The sun, held down below the horizon by the Frostmaiden’s magic, offers no respite from winter’s fury.
Can our adventurers survive the endless winter? Let's find out in the Frozen North!
Your Host

RPG Dungeons House GM Katrina’s Backstory.
Well hello heroes!
My name is Katrina. I have been playing RPGs since about 2005. I got into 5e 4 years ago. I realized that the creativity from Dungeons and Dragons as well as other TTRPGs is vast and only limited by your imagination.
I've been running a 5e Wildemount campaign for a year now. I prefer to utilize the setting of a book rather than running the adventure
"as written" so it's never the same experience twice. I run very open world games where the players dictate where you go.
I like to adhere to the rules of whatever system we are playing but, the rule of cool definitely exists with me. I run difficult encounters with a high-risk high reward system. So, let's kill some monsters and explore some dungeons!