New Pathfinder 1e Campaign, with House GM Beckye on Saturday, February 8th and 22nd, from 11am to 4pm, 6 Seats Maximum

About this experience

New Pathfinder 1e Campaign-

Ports and Porters of Import-

Through circumstances far outside your control, you were taken at a very young age, or born, into forced labor. This was all you knew, until the day you fulfilled some unknown debt that had been incurred. The day came, unbeknownst to you, when you were given a few greasy coins and expelled from the only place you had ever know to be any semblance of a home. So what else was there for you to do but seek out your lot in life... through Adventure! 

The port cities of the Inner Seas have an abundance of cheap lodging, and gossip. This one stirs over the arrest of a Magic User. Same as any other Caster, he is slated for beheading upon the 'morrow. The stones of every city's market square are stained red from this morbid spectacle, meant to forever remind the populace that... "MAGIC is EVIL!!", bellows the town crier, reading from the missive handed down indirectly as the words of the Sovereignty itself. Having heard it so many times before, you continue walking. Upon reaching the lodging house, you find familiar faces of those who survived the same indignant beginnings as you. This is when the food, the drinks, and the laughter begin. As well as the most important decision of the rest of your short life....

Everyone will start out at 2nd level, 1 free masterwork item has been given to you and cure light wounds potion which is outlawed is hidden away in your pack somewhere. Max hit points until 3rd level This is a roleplay heavy low magic campaign that rivet you through seemingly innocent adventures.

Your Host

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Hey All,

I am Beckye Harper, have been playing D&D since the first box set. I moved to Dallas a while ago, before that I was in Austin and did some playtesting for Steve Jackson Games. I have been a game master for the D&D 1st edition through D&D 3.5, Pathfinder 1st Edition and Clay-O-Rama (Dragon Magazine #125). I have game mastered live-action events such as Vampire and Werewolf.

My convention experience running games such as the RPG tournament at the Origins that was held in Fort Worth in which a paladin bowed down to a demon. That same con, which surprised the heck out of me, I was also doing a one-shot based on Narnia’s silver chair which Gary Gygax played in and loved it. I have run overnight D&D 3.5 games at several Dalcon conventions, game mastered several games for my regular group, and ran a sanctioned RPGA Fluffy (the famous little white dog) adventure at Project A-Kon. Most of my games are based on books that I have read. Some of these are The Silver Chair (Chronicles of Narnia), And Eternity (Piers Anthony Incarnations of Immortality series), and An Amusing Tale (based on Greek mythology specifically Muses).

My philosophy on game mastery is simple, games should be entertaining, challenging, and fun for everyone including the gm and the players. I am available upon request to run games for groups and custom gaming sessions. If you have a specific idea for a game, I can customize the game to your needs.

Thanks, and Have Fun!