New Dawn of Worlds Learn-to-Play, with House GM Austin on Saturday, February 10th, from 10am to 3pm, 6 Seats Maximum
About this experience
Dawn of Worlds :
One of the most important aspects for role playing is immersion and the freedom to "be" your characters. It can be a lot to ask players to read an encyclopedic volume of setting and lore books before committing to a game, and its the rare player that actually does it.
But without knowledge of the setting, how can the player riff and act with informed agency that makes the RP easy and real? What if your players knew as much about the setting as you, because they wrote it?
You're in luck, because a free mapmaking game and collaborative worldbuilder exists, and it works great! Join me for a complete game of Dawn of Worlds, where I'll walk you through how get the most out of your game. I'll be supplying the necessary supplies to play, all you need to bring is a collaborative spirit and couple of good ideas.
Your Host
Hi, I'm Austin! I'm a new dad who attempts to live the warrior poet lifestyle as literally as possible; I write songs, poems, and fiction, I fight in a lance of real armored knights, and I love to create custom worlds for my friends.
I tend to prefer systems that feel unique, and have a collection of oddities and esoterica that befit my disdain of the mainstream. I slam dance with swords, I headbang with fireballs, and I love horror movies.