About this experience
Each year, differenet companies like Modiphious, Wizkidz, Piazo, Goodman, Magpie, and 17 others (this year) send products and samples of gaming gear to the people at Free RPG Day. The FRPGD people then package a few things from each company into a "Kit". They sell these kits to brick-n-mortor game stores only.
The stores then give away these things, FOR FREE, to the people that come in over the weekend. Limiting the free stuff to 1 choice per person, of course.
However, RPG Dungeons has purchased 3 Kits, will be giving everyone who comes in a choice of a free thing, AND for every $15 worth of purchases you make in the store, you will get another pick of a Free RPG Day item.
So come in and get a free thing.
Book a game ticket, and get 2 more free things.
Buy a couple sets of dice, and get 1 more free thing.
Buy a D&D 5e Source Book, and get 3 more free things.
Your Host

RPG Dungeons is where you come to actually sit down and play the games that you love, meet new people in the community, hang out, get gaming gear at better price than anywhere else, and just have fun.