D&D 5E Strixhaven Campaign B with GM Karma, on Wednesday August 2nd, from 6pm to 11pm, 6 Seats Maximum
About this experience
Classes continue as more and more strange occurrences and happenings plague the students' day to day lives. They now have these mysterious events to contend with, as well as attempting to budget their time in such a way as to allow them to continue with their classes, exams, and the budding relationships they are developing with their new acquaintances.
Maintaining a passable GPA, at Strixhaven University, has become quite the daunting task. Especially when the curriculum tends to include daily lessons in Chaos 101, and an Exploration into the Fragility of Mortality.
For any questions regarding this game session please contact House GM Karma on our Discord.
Your Host

Greetings Adventures,
A little about me, I am 20 years old and a full-time student at UTD. I have my associates degree in Sign Language Interpreting. My favorite fruit is mango.
My experience with tabletop roll playing games goes back to when I was young. I have been playing Dungeons & Dragons since I was ten years old. I have played 1st Edition D&D, 5th Edition D&D, and Pathfinder. I currently GM for 5th Edition D&D only.
As a House GM for RPG Dungeons Gaming Center, I will host games for RPG Dungeons as available to start and based on requests from customers who have a group and request a custom gaming session with a House GM provided at RPG Dungeons. Please sign up for our Newsletter, Facebook Page and Discord, so you can be notified of dates and times I will be hosting games at RPG Dungeons Gaming Center.
Thank you,