D&D 5e Mondays are for Jamming Spells Campaign with GM Adrian on February 6th, 6:30pm to 11:30pm, 6 seats
D&D 5e Mondays are for Jamming Spells Campaign with GM Adrian on February 6th, 6:30pm to 11:30pm, 6 seatsAbout this experience
Spelljamming campaign continues
The crew continues their race against time as literal seeds of destruction destroy their home planet. Will they be able to destroy the Xaryxian star in time, or is their world doomed? Will the get a ship to go with their collection of helms? Will a certain bug-like creature capture the eye of a certain stowaway captain? Find out in this level 7 adventure!
(Players may be level 7 at this point. Beginners are ALWAYS welcome. Maybe there are stowaways aboard the ship? Hopefully they didn't touch the rum!)
For any questions, please contact GM Adrian on our Discord.
Your Host

House GM Adrian’s Backstory
“Hey all! I’m here to take your characters out into the wild nether realms of spell-jamming and beyond! I’ve been playing RPGs since I was 5 years old off and on (don’t do the math, but it is a long time.) I enjoy the stories that we collectively tell, whether we are figure out Thac0, Faserip, or enjoying some 5e!
As for my style, I like to have fun, usually don’t get too serious, and open to us working together to see where the story goes. I won’t take it easy on you, but I will be open to your wacky ideas! I do use an x card system, so if something comes up, you show the x card and we pivot away from that topic, I want everyone to have fun!
Really looking forward to it, let’s get some TUESDAY NIGHT FIGHTS in!”