D&D 5e, Level 0, Survival Tournament 1-Shot with House GM Adrian, on May 6th, from 4pm to 9pm, 7 Seats
About this experience
You are a commoner living in the kingdom of Nook, and it is that time of the year: TIME FOR THE TOURNAMENT OF PIGS. Citizen participation is mandatory. The winner will have all their debts forgiven, and be vaulted to the podium to stand before their peers as a hero of Nook. The losers... well, they won't be around to know they lost...
This is a semi-cooperative zero-level D&D 5e tournament. During the session you will randomly roll a stable of 4 commoners who will be thrust into the arena to face dastardly puzzles and Bugbears, The winner (in most cases, the last person standing) will be awarded a real life trophy (admiration of your peers not guaranteed).
[This is a zero level one-shot. Using standard 5e rules, it is beginner friendly, but be warned that death of characters is almost certain.]
Your Host

House GM Adrian’s Backstory
“Hey all! I’m here to take your characters out into the wild nether realms of spell-jamming and beyond! I’ve been playing RPGs since I was 5 years old off and on (don’t do the math, but it is a long time.) I enjoy the stories that we collectively tell, whether we are figure out Thac0, Faserip, or enjoying some 5e!
As for my style, I like to have fun, usually don’t get too serious, and open to us working together to see where the story goes. I won’t take it easy on you, but I will be open to your wacky ideas! I do use an x card system, so if something comes up, you show the x card and we pivot away from that topic, I want everyone to have fun!
Really looking forward to it, let’s get some FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS in!” Please reach out to me on the RPG Dungeons Discord if you have any questions.