D&D 5e 1-Shot, Final Gambit, with House GM Adam on Sunday, May 12th, from 11am to 4pm, 6 Seats Maximum
About this experience
The Final Gambit
Two countries in a world ablaze are at war. The War of Arcane Liberty. The country of Sien is your home, but is on the brink of defeat. They have one last thing they can try… A final gamble… You.
Who you are is not important. What matters is what you hope to achieve.
Can you assassinate King Johanes the Third? Can you defeat Valania and save your homeland?
Can you survive your final gambit?
Max # of players is 6. Dnd 5e level 10. Standard array or point buy. 3500 gp starting gold, 4 uncommon magic items.
Your Host

House GM Adam's Backstory
Greetings Wanderers.
My name is Adam Lucas, and I’ll be your guide on your journey. Take care to not wander too far off the path…
I’ve been playing Dungeons and Dragons for almost fifteen years and have been DMing various versions of the game for the past 6 years. My love of table-top games eventually spawned into a love of art and game development, which is now my chosen career path.
I usually prefer to run dungeons and dragons fifth edition or 3.5. However sometimes I like to run short stints in different systems!
Be sure to check the schedule for any of my games! I can’t wait to help craft your next adventure!