D&D 5e, 1-Shot at Level 10 with House GM Karma on Wednesday, October 18th, from 6pm to 11pm, 6 SeatsMaximum
About this experience
Masquerade! : Level 10
The party is a group of assassins hired by an unknown benefactor to kill two prominent land owners at a Halloween Masquerade ball. The Rooster and the Ram are your targets. You are not to be caught, lest you want to lose your head.
This will be a Level 10 adventure.
Please visit House GM Karma on our discord server with any questions you may have.
Your Host

Greetings Adventures,
A little about me, I am 20 years old and a full-time student at UTD. I have my associates degree in Sign Language Interpreting. My favorite fruit is mango.
My experience with tabletop roll playing games goes back to when I was young. I have been playing Dungeons & Dragons since I was ten years old. I have played 1st Edition D&D, 5th Edition D&D, and Pathfinder. I currently GM for 5th Edition D&D only.
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